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Stay Highdrated

Flower Powered Hydration

Hydrated flower Flowerade
Hydrated Flower

Flowerade helps replace the vital fluids lost

throughout the day, so that you can stay High on Life!

By the time you feel thirsty you’re already mildly dehydrated. Water is great, but to really be on top of your game and quench your thirst, you need to replace more than just H2O. Flowerade’s combination of all-natural herbs and honey works side-by-side with nanoparticle CBD to help refresh your mind and body with each sip. The powerful vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants help restore balance to your being, so you can feel your best.

Not all sports drinks are equal. Your typical sports drink has some electrolytes, but it’s also full of artificial chemicals and sugars that damage your body. When you’re left low and dry at the end of the day, you need something that’s truly refreshing and good for you. Next time, grab a water and add a scoop of Flowerade, the world’s finest instant CBD hydration beverage!

All three inviting flavors of Flowerade - Lavender Kush Lemonade, Sweet Leaf, and Hibiscus Haze Tea - are available in convenient 20 mg single-serve packs or 200 mg multi-serving jars, so you can relax and infuse some wellness in your day.

Everything in Flowerade is sourced from nature to give you the

all-natural relaxation and hydration you deserve, from your

first sip to the very last drop!


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